电子784 College
毕业30年 Grad. 30yr 聚会 Reunion

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背景介绍 正面相片 值得纪念相片 通讯录 总院771班 67届高中 文章
Background Front Photo Memorable Photo Addr. Book 771 Classmates High School Articles

 背景介绍  Background

本人在1978年考入上海机械学院轻工分院工业电子自动化系784班学习。院方为了培养年轻教师,充实师资队伍,选择了包括我在内的十数位同学到总院师资培训班电子771班学习,我们的专业也由工业电子自动化转为电子计算机技术。在以后的几年里我们就在总院住校学习。 更多                                                                                             2019年1月更新

In 1978, I was admitted Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Institution Branch of Light Industry Machinery Department of Industrial Electronics Automation class 784. In order to train young teachers for the branch, a few months later, 11 students, including me were sent to the  General School by the branch leaders to join the special Teacher Class E-771. Our major was also changed from Industrial Electronics Automation to Computer Science.     More   Updated Jan,2019

正面相片  Head Photos         把鼠标移动到名字上看看自己30年的变化   Mouse over name to view 30 years changing 

     附注:照片按原班号排列。彩色为近年所摄,黑白为1982年所摄                                       Colors recent; B/W ‘1982

1.陶美锦 (澳) 2.刘砚华 3.蒋 澄 (美) 4.谢 易 5.沈爱萍 6.王目炯 7.袁晓华 8.陈依东 (加)
9.孙传星 10.王嘉平 11.孟继明 12.张喜昌 (美) 13.钱仲辛 14. 15.吴显明 16.龚盛跃
bchen8@yahoo.com 陳洪本
17.蒋益亲 (美) 18.李庆伟 19.李国华 20.徐远滨 21.钱克勤 (美) 22.陈洪本 (美)
23.高 斐 24.贾 平 25.石小顺 26.薛德秋 27.吴 铮 28.顾艺春 29.徐 挺 (美) 30.陈庆裕
31.夏德坤 (美) 32. (澳) 33.邵硕英 34.徐仁民 (加) 36.李亚群 37.谭 明 (美) 38.李安康 39.陈志豪
40.叶一奇 41.汤奇伟 (美) 42.杨庆珍 43.李红秀 44.袁孝传 45.方家千
46.吕定芳 47.姚 敏 48.吴幼华 49.陆伟明 50.陈 皓 51.王伯赢 52.张 勇 53.戚纪良

同学个人及夫妇相片  Individual Photos


徐远滨夫妇 (2005.12) 徐仁民夫妇 (2009.5) 汤奇伟夫妇 (2008.5)
夏德昆全家 (2009.8) 姚敏, 王目炯夫妇
陈洪本夫妇 (2010) 方家千, 刘砚华夫妇
孟继明夫妇 (2013)
蒋益亲夫妇 (2012.10)

个人照片                                                                                                          注:点击彩色名字看该同学其他照片

陶美锦 (2014) 刘砚华 (2013) 蒋 澄 (2009.6) 
2019 Christmas dance
谢 易 (2013) 沈爱萍 (2013)
王目炯 (2013) 袁晓华 (2013) 陈依东 (2014) 杨庆珍 (2013) 李红秀 (2013)
孙传星 (2013) 王嘉平 (2013) 孟继民 (2013)
张喜昌 (2013) 钱仲辛 (2013) 吴显明 (2013) 龚盛跃 (2013) 蒋益亲 (2006.7)
李庆伟 (2013) 李国华 (2014) 徐远滨 (2013) 钱克勤 (2013) 陈洪本 (2008)
高斐  (2013) 贾 平 (2009) 石小顺 (2013)
吴 铮 (2013) 顾艺春 (2012.7) 徐 挺 (2017) 陈庆裕 (2013) 夏德昆 (2013)
王保生 (1999) 邵硕英 (2013) 徐仁民 (2013) 李亚群 (2013) 李安康 (2012)
陈志豪 (2013) 叶一奇 (2013) 汤奇伟 (2013)
袁孝传 (2013) 方家千 (2013) 姚 敏 (2009) 吴幼华 (2013) 陆伟明 (2013)
陈 皓 (2013) 王伯赢 (2013) 黄也放
张 勇 (2009) 戚纪良 (2013)


张喜昌在美国当公司的篮球领队兼教练 (2012.8) 黄指导和女儿
汤奇伟夫妇和NBA明星 O'Neal 合影 (2013) 黄指导和女儿
徐远滨参加温家宝总理访问墨西哥宴会 (2003.12)

旧的相片 Old Photos   更多旧照片

中美和解?(1982.12) 男女生合影 (1982.12) 10位同学合影
(2001 ?)
男女生合影 (1982.12) 郊游?(1982.12)
蒋澄,王目炯在球队? (1982) 男女生合影 (1982.12) 是50年代影星还是? (1982)
五位女生合影 (1982.12)

通讯录  Contacts




同学近况 Recent Status (updated 2014)





现在,约25%分院同学在国外留学/生活,大部分同学仍留在国内发展。除去35号应建军转下届学习,以及14号项庆民, 32号王宝生两位同学已经离开我们。至今除谭明,所有同学都已经联系上了。今天大部分原老三届的同学都已经退休。他们享受着这几十年工作后的清净的“儿孙绕膝”的退休生活;他们到全世界去旅游;做一些在工作年月想做而没有时间的事。然而绝大部分应届生还在为他们的事业,为家庭而努力奋斗。同学中有成功的企业家,有私人公司老板,有大学教授,有工程师,会计师,有成功的房地产投资家,有项目管理经理等等。

大学毕业30周年庆典:2013年4月29日-30日,在苏州某会所举行了大学毕业30周年庆典活动。有35位同学参加了庆典会议,其中3位是用网络视频直播形式参加。庆典活动还包括晚宴,卡拉ok,跳舞,及游览苏州白马涧生态园-龙池风景区。   见毕业30周年庆典详情


Overview: In 1978, I was admitted Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Institution Branch of Light Industry Machinery Department of Industrial Automation class 784. In order to train young teachers for the branch, a few months later, 11 students, including me were sent to the  General School by the branch leaders to join the special Teacher Class E-771. Our major was also changed from industrial automation to computer science. Over the next a few years, we lived and studied on campus. Because of Teacher Class was run for the year 1977 session of the students, so, we graduated early with the 1977 session of the students. So I am very fortunate to have two classes of college classmates, 38 from class E-771, and 53 from class 784. 

Note(1): The original class 784 had 41students. Starting the second semester, four students were transferred to the General School for teacher's class; then 12 students joined class 784 after class 781splited. So, the total number of students in class 784 became 53.

Note(2): Our Shanghai Institute of Mechanical Engineering Light Industry Branch was originally affiliated to the Shanghai Mechanical College, but due to various reasons, the compilation issue has not been implemented for a long time. It was not until the mid-1990s that the Shanghai Higher Education Bureau officially incorporated the Light Industry Branch into Shanghai University. In other words, all students who graduated from the former Light Industry Branch now were recognized as graduates of Shanghai University.

Recent Status: Beginning 2009, classmates started to meet as a large group. A new address book has been established. During the recent years, classmates became to meet more often. Besides meeting, they started to travel together. All classmates are living the luxury apartment; driving their own car; wearing expensive watch and fashion clothes. Life is so beautiful!

Now about 25% of them are living in oversea; and majority classmates are still in China, mainly in Shanghai. Excludes #35, Yin Jian-Jun who was moved to other class, and #14, Hang Qin-Min, #32, Wang Bao-Sheng who have left us. So far, we have connected all classmates except Tan Min. Today. most of old classmates have retired. They are enjoying their retirement life. They are playing with their grandchild, traveling around world, doing something they never had a chance during the working years. On the other hand, all younger classmates are still working very hard for their career, for their family. In class 784, there are many success classmates, business-man (business-woman); college professor; engineer; accountant; estate-investor; project manager; etc.

Graduated from the College 30 Years Anniversary:  During April 29-30, 2013, at a nice meeting place in Su Zhou, class 784 had unforgettable reunion to celebrate their graduated 30 years from college. 33 classmates attended meeting, included 3 oversea classmates via Internet. Activities are including formal dinner, Karaoke, dancing, and visit a famous place called "Su Zhou, The scenic of Dragon Pond".    Click here for detailed info about 30 years Anniversary

Updated on January, 2019


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