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认识我 我的简历 我的家庭 我的爱好 我的住房 我的论文 我的收藏 我的文章

Who Am I 认识我是谁     罗刹海市 刀郎(原唱)  吴彩乐(翻唱)         ibchen.com Web Map 快速浏览网页


My name is Chen, Hong Ben (Ben Chen for short). I was born in Shanghai, China (PRC), a native of Shaoxing, Zhejiang. By the end of 1984, I came to California, United States. Since then, I have been living, studying, and working here. In early 1991, I was naturalized as a U.S. citizen. I am an electronics engineer. After retirement, my wife and I spend a few months every year traveling around the world. Note: Due to the pandemic (or Covid-19), we haven't gone out for more than 2 years!       Updated on 1/2022

我是陈洪本。我在中国上海出生,祖籍是浙江绍兴。1984年底,我来到了美国加州。之后,我就一直在这里生活,学习和工作。1991年初,我归化美国公民。我是一位电子工程师。退休后,我和太太每年都会花几个月在世界各地旅游。注:由于疫情的原因,我们已经有2年多没有出去旅游了。   2022年1月更新

My Career 我的简历

1961 - 1982 Educated in Shanghai, China (up to college)  上海理工大学/上海大学计算机专业,学士(曾历经文革,上山下乡)
1983 - 1984 Instructor, Shanghai Electronics Computer Technology College  上海电子计算机技术专科学校,教师
1985 - 1987 M.S. in Computer Science, San Jose, California State University  美国加州大学电子专业,硕士
1985 - 2012 Worked for various high-tech companies in Silicon Valley, CA USA  就职于美国加州硅谷多家高科技公司
2013 - Retired 退休

Business Career 经商简历

1998 - 1999 CFO, BaseScope Inc. BayareaFood.com  BayareaFood.com 网络公司,财务总监
1999 - 2003 COO/CEO/Investor, TimeInfo Inc. & TimeInfo Shanghai Ltd.  美国时代讯息公司,总裁/营运总监/原始股投资者
2005 - now CEO/Owner, Silicon Valley Technology Inc.  美国硅谷技术公司,执行总裁

My Family 我的家庭         移动鼠标到彩色人名见放大照  Move mouse over the color name enlarger photo

My family has 4 of us, me, wife Lilian, son Steve, daughter-in-law Angela. 家庭成员:我,太太朱永俐,儿陈忠傑,儿媳程梦雯

My wife Lilian Chen
太太 朱永俐

Christmas 2012
My Family
Christmas 2018

Son Steve and Angela
儿子陈忠傑 儿媳程梦雯

My Interests/Hobbies 我的爱好

Travel, photography and sports  旅游,摄影及体育运动

Read and buy books, write memoirs  阅读和购买书籍,写回忆文章

Surf webs and on-line shopping 上网和在网上购物

Pay attention to the latest development of high-tech and its products  关注高科技及其产品的最新发展

Watch movie, listen music and drama, and karaoke  看电影,听音乐和戏曲(越剧,京剧)及唱卡拉OK(怀旧老歌曲等)

Edit videos, correct photos via various software 用各类软件编辑视频,修正照片

Organize books and rooms  整理书籍和房间等

Collect personal favorite and collectible items 收藏个人喜欢的和有收藏价值的各种物品  

Repair computers, electronics devices and instruments  修理计算机,电子产品,仪器仪表等

Build and maintain a private website (www.ibchen.com)  创建并维护一个私人网站为家庭同学朋友交流之用

Establish and maintain a data sharing network, Network Attached Storage 建立并维护户内外网络资源共享系统 (NAS)

My Collections 我的收藏 (For self-reference only - 仅供自己参考)

Stamps, Banknotes, and Coins  邮票,纸币和硬币

Chinese Paintings, Fans, Seals & Seal-Stamps  中国画,扇子扇面,印章印谱等

Antique, Jade/Stone Carving, Vase, Porcelain/China  古董,玉雕石雕,古花瓶,瓷器等

Collectible New and Used Electronic Devices  有收藏价值的新旧电子产品

Digital Copy (Blu-ray Disc/DVD/CD) of Movies, Music, and Various Photos  数码电影,歌曲,及各种照片 

My Memoirs 我的回忆文章(中文)

我的童年(大夫第的故事)(My Childhood - The Story About Our Old Mansion) 1995.2

回忆我的父亲(纪念父亲逝世四十週年)(Memories of My Father - Commemorating the 40th anniv. of my father's death) 2008.2

回忆我当农民的日子(插队落户四十週年)(In My Days When I Was a Farmer) 2008.4

伴随我一生的爱好,集邮(纪念集邮五十载)(Stamps Collecting, My Lifelong Hobby) 2008.6

终生受用的无线电电子技术(怀念电子技术给我带来的欢乐)(My Lifetime Benefits from Electronics Technologies) 2008.7

追思我的母亲(纪念母亲逝世二十周年)(Memories of My Mother - Commemorating the 20th anniv. of my mother's death) 2009.7

旅游杂记和感想 - 整理中(20-30余篇,准备整理成册�出版�)(Travel journals and thoughts) 2010-2018

我在美国工作生活的点点滴滴 - 整理中(在美生活工作38年的随感,10余篇)(Impressions of 38 years in the United States) 2022.1

在大流行病的可怕日子里 - 修改中(对大瘟疫Covid-19的回忆,感慨和反思)(In the horrible days of the great pandemic) 2021.12

My Technical Paper 我的技术论文 (For self-reference only - 仅供自己参考)

My House 我的住房

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