这本书为作者带来了巨大的社会声誉, 人们称誉作者“代表了中国改革的良心”,美国《商业周刊》(1999年6月14日)将作者评为1999年度的“亚洲之星”(Honored by Business Week International Editions as one of the Stars of Asia as opinion shapers on June 14,1999.);作者的赤诚让人们经常将她比之为安徒生童话中《皇帝的新衣》里那位说真话的小孩。New York Review of Books 于1998年10月8日为这本书发了长篇书评。
中国公众对这本书的欢迎是真心实意的。 中国社会科学院研究员吴国盛先生认为这本书对人类社会的影响足可以与Harriet Beecher Stowe的《Uncle Tom's Cabin》、现代环保运动的先驱Rachel Carson的《Silent Spring》鼎足而立。众所周知,《Uncle Tom's Cabin》激发了美国人民在黑奴问题上的良心,从而引发了南北战争,解放了黑奴;而《寂静的春天》则引起了当代世界对环境问题的关心,从而开了现代环保运动的先河。
英国的Financial Times(July 17, 2000)曾生动地报导过作者受监控的状态。"It was the arrival of some unusual neighbours that gave He Qinglian, one of China's most outspoken and respected critics of government corruption and abuse of power, her first inkling that the secret police were closing in. The kindly old couple that used to live next door moved out quietly in January. Since then the neighbouring apartment has been occupied by several middle-aged men and women who do little but smoke and watch TV. Their front door is always left open, providing them with a view of when Ms He comes and goes, and who visits her. When she went away for two months recently, they also took their leave, only to return on the day she got back. 'From a demographic point of view at least, it must be said that this is an unusual household,' said Ms He, who returned from a two-month tour of the US last month that was funded by Washington. 'They are all in their 30s and 40s and there is no sign of any children,' she said. Her unease over the new neighbours' intentions ended late last month when she was removed from her post as an editor of the Shenzhen Legal Daily and assigned to a lowly position in the paper's research department......Editors throughout China had been warned against publishing her work, she added."
作者被迫辞国后,美国第一家发现她踪迹的报纸Philadelphia Inquire (June 28, 2001)以“Pupular Scholar Flees China”为标题报导了她的被迫出:"Fearing that she would be ensnared by the Chinese government's growing crackdown on scholars with Western ties, a popular social critic in China has fled to the United States. In her first interview since arriving in Princeton, N.J., on June 16, He Qinglian, 44, said she believed China's security agents were preparing to arrest her, most likely on spy charges. She said she had planned to leave China on June 26 to begin a previously arranged sabbatical for a year at the University of Chicago. But she abruptly fled the country after security agents broke into her office on June 13. A month and a half earlier, she said, they had taken documents, letters, her cell phone, even photographs of herself with American friends. He (pronounced huh) said she feared that if she had not taken off suddenly, she would have been arrested. 'If the regime simply wanted to eliminate my influence in China, they knew I was going to the United States in two weeks. It wasn't necessary to collect evidence against me," she said.......She gained notoriety in 1998 by publishing a book, China's Pitfalls, a denunciation of the endemic corruption among the vast Communist bureaucracy."